Why you should hire an Independent PR pro

So, you’re interested in working with a public relations team? Now comes the difficult part of selecting the agency or individual you want to manage your media outreach, content marketing and/or copywriting needs. While working with an agency might seem like the best way to go, working with an independent PR practitioner can also have its perks.


1.     It’s cheaper.

Speaking from experience, “indies” don’t have the overhead that an agency will have. Most work from home or a small office and don’t have a staff of people that they need to think about when setting their rates. Because of that, they can charge less for their services than a large agency would. This is ideal for small businesses and nonprofits who don’t have the budget to hire the biggest agency in town.


2.     It’s a more personal experience.

When you work with an independent, you’ll be working with the same person for all your needs – from billing and contracts to media outreach and everything in between. Oftentimes an agency will split work between people based on their skill level and expertise. So, you might talk to one person about building your media list and another about your billing questions. This can get confusing, particularly with larger agencies who have a big staff. When you work with an independent, you will talk to the same person every time – making communication more direct and easier to manage.


3.     Independents are just as skilled as an agency.

Most independents have just as much experience - if not more - than the account executive who would manage your account in the agency setting. Yes, an agency will have a principal to oversee the account executive. But the indie is often at the same skill level as the principal, not the account executive – meaning your project is being managed by a skilled expert who has 10 or 20 years of experience more than the account executive at that large agency you’re looking at.


4.     They have the same resources available to them.

I know what you’re thinking – but doesn’t an agency have more resources to help them achieve our goals? Not necessarily. Independents have access to the same media databases and other resources that agencies use. And while an agency might have an in-house graphic design team or SEO expert, independents can subcontract this work to other professionals and offer the same level of service.


Still not convinced? Check out this article from the Independent Public Relations Alliance on why a growing number of businesses are turning to indies to manage their PR needs.

Interested in working with an indie on your upcoming project? Contact me to find out how I can help you achieve your goals. 


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